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Dear Franny

Aug 27, 2019

“Rejection is a feeling. Your feelings are valid, but your feelings aren’t facts.” This week, Francesca puts on her coaching hat to break down her philosophy “rejection isn’t real”. Whether you fear romantic rejection, professional rejection or you’re dealing with heartbreak -- she has advice to share on how you can start to reframe your story about rejection and use your new perspective to change your life. 

Mentioned in this episode

Jia Jiang and Rejection Therapy

Interested in coaching? or schedule a time to talk with Francesca 1-on-1. 

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Interested in love or life coaching? Book a FREE session with Francesca HERE

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Cover art photography by Frankie Norstad

Cover art graphic design by Sarah Epperson

Theme music by Origamibeats

Edited by Francesca Hogi 

Produced by Francesca Hogi

Assistant to Francesca Hogi Kaitlan Holley